Where to start….

Why this site :

We wanted a place to record where we go in our travels and what we were doing or thinking about at the time.   Not to knock social media platforms, (well, maybe a little)…   but it just seemed better that, with our own website, we can not only allow anyone to SEE our stuff, but still have control over who can leave comments.    As this is written, this site is in its infancy.   It will evolve over time into what we hope will become a place where family and friends will want to visit frequently to keep tabs on us, or perhaps learn something new.

About “us” :

Dan and Margaret (that’s us!).   We have been married since 1990, and shortly thereafter had four wonderful children in three years (do the math… we had twins).    Dana, the oldest is our only girl, then Jason, and the twins are Kevin and Ryan.  They’re all adults now, (we will write a lot about them in this site for sure), and we are very proud of all of them.    We got our first RV shortly after Jason was born and just loved camping in Washington state where Dan was stationed (who wouldn’t).   We outgrew that little class C, and after moving to Texas we just were too caught up in raising kids to get back into it…    But now have our big beautiful 5th wheel and have been bitten by the travel bug again.

About Dan :

I was born in California, but don’t remember too much about it as we moved to Canon City (that’s pronounced like “canyon city”) Colorado when I was 7 years old.   Canon will always be “home” for me.   I had what you could call “normal” school years…  with heavy emphasis on music.   In my senior year of high school I met Margaret through band (she was two years behind me).   We were friends, but I didn’t even know she had a crush on me (thank God, or as a dumb kid I would have messed that up).

After high school I joined the Navy, and as I am fond of saying, I gave them 20 years and 20 minutes.   I was in the submarine service where I served on diesel boats, fast attacks, and boomers.   On one of my shore assignments I was able to get my degree in Computer Science.    When I was around my 10 year point, a mutual friend from Canon suggested to Margaret that, since she was moving close to San Diego where I was stationed at the time, she should look me up…. and the rest is history.    Before I knew it, I was married, changed rates in the Navy, moved to Washington state, had four kids, retired from the Navy, moved to Austin Texas, started working for Applied Material, etc., etc, etc.

I keep busy with work (when I can, I work out of our 5th wheel), directing our church choir (when home in Austin), a bit of photography, and now this website.    Don’t tell Margaret that I’ve been slacking on my “honey do” list.

About Margaret :

I was born in California but my family moved to Colorado while I was in elementary school and I consider Colorado “home”.  Prior to marrying Dan, I worked as a Preschool teacher and a Special Needs tutor for public schools. While my children were young I was a stay-home Mom, delighted in raising my children, crafting, and being involved in the Children’s Education and Music ministries of our church.

I spend much of my time now thinking of and talking with our children, snuggling with our 2 cats and our border collie Bonnie (yes, we travel with all of them), crafting and exploring our new travel life with my husband and best friend Dan (yes… that’s the same guy!).